Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Third Culture: Science, Art & Ideas: Dr. Adam Stieg at TEDxYouth@Conejo

A talk from TedxYouth@Conejo by Adam Stieg, who currently serves as Scientific Director of the Nano and Pico Characterization Core Facility at CNSI and Director of the UCLA Sci|Art NanoLab

His research focuses on the design and application of physical methods toward development of an integrated understanding of matter at the interfaces of traditionally defined boundaries. Numerous ongoing, collaborative efforts involve the study of molecular machines, nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery, inorganic carbon-based materials, directed stem cell differentiation and the pursuit of physically intelligent systems through neuromorphic computation.

Since 2003, he has collaborated with artists in a variety of projects, installations, and public exhibitions that provide inspiration and motivation for bringing the power of such creative approaches to the forefront of education.

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